Where do I find my booking number?
Your booking number can be found in both the subject line of your confirmation email and within the top section of this email's content.
What if I need to pay extra for my new tickets?
Once your ticket date change has been approved, you will receive an email that details a payment link within it. Your new confirmation email with tickets will only be sent once any outstanding balance has been settled.
What if my new tickets cost less?
Your new confirmation email with tickets will include a credit note for the outstanding value.
My booking is for a session starting before Saturday 8th February 21:49pm?
Sadly we are not able to transfer bookings with less than 48 hours notice.
I don't have a new date yet?
You can choose to change your tickets to open date vouchers valid for 3 months.
I have changed my email address?
Please use your original email address to request the ticket transfer change and then place your new email in the message box. We may need confirmation of your identity before sending tickets to your new email address.
See our full terms & conditions